For would-be members

Becoming a member of MÉHKE

Membership in MÉHKE is open to:

Any Hungarian or foreign natural person, legal entity, or unincorporated enterprise who and/or that agrees with the fundamental goals of the association and intends to provide it with support and assistance:

– All companies active in the recollection, pretreatment, decomposition and recovery of valuable waste, that are properly licensed to conduct their activities;

– Companies that produce or manufacture products using secondary raw materials generated in the recovery of materials;

– All manufacturers and service providers that could benefit from an efficiently functioning waste management system for their operational efficiency and safety;

– Municipalities and municipal associations;

– Communal service providers;

– Technology manufacturers for waste management, recovery, production, and their representatives;

– Businesses, interest groups, social organisations that place an importance on environmental protection and social responsibility.

We expect the membership of our association to grow continually due to the potential benefits to our members from collaborating and cooperating within the Association.

Types of membership as set forth in the Association’s By-laws:

Regular Membership

Regular members include the Founding Members, and following the founding all Hungarian or foreign natural persons, legal entities, or unincorporated enterprises that agree with the goals as set forth in the Association’s By-laws and intend to take an active role in their implementation, and have submitted their Membership Declaration in writing to the Presidium of the Association. New members are inducted by the Presidium with a resolution of acceptance passed with simple majority on the basis of the signed Membership Declaration.

Individuals or organisations that have been excluded from membership in the Association may not submit a new membership declaration for a year. The same shall apply to organisations where the legal representative of the organisation, or the organisation represented by such, or an organisation significantly controlled by such has been excluded from the membership of the Association by the Presidium. The deadline of one year commences on the date when the resolution of exclusion becomes final.

Supporting membership is open to all Hungarian or foreign natural persons, legal entities, or unincorporated enterprises that agree with the fundamental goals of the Association but cannot participate in its activities on a continual basis, and are ready to support its activities and the achievement of its goals either financially or otherwise (e.g., by contributing knowledge and information on treatment technologies, know-how, etc.). The Presidium of the Association grants the title of supporting member in consideration of the support and offers its use to the party concerned. Supporting members are inducted upon their acceptance of the offer. Supporting membership lasts for a period of one year from the date of its acceptance.

Honorary membership

The Presidium may invite individuals whose professional and public activities and pursuits contribute significantly to the implementation of the Association’s goals to become Honorary members of the Association. Honorary members are selected by the Presidium and are invited by the Presidium to accept their honorary membership. Honorary members are inducted upon their acceptance of the invitation.

Should you be interested in our activities and require further information, or should you wish to join us, please complete the form under the ‘Documents’ menu and send it to our Presidium.

Should you have any questions on joining the Association we are at your service at the following email address: mailto:[email protected]